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Be kind to others

Before you say something to someone or write and send something in an email or online, think.

Worry less

Everybody worries sometimes. It can be about school, work, a relationship, an activity, how you look, or a change. Don't let worry get in the way of enjoying life or doing well at something. Take charge over your worries and find ways to overcome worries and make yourself feel calm and confident. 

Be yourself

Every person should be encouraged to be themselves and feel they are capable, equal, and valued. Celebrate diversity and the freedom to find what interests you. Discover what activities you enjoy and feel expresses who you are. Explore and learn more about yourself and others and the world around you. Everyone should be able to express themselves and be true to themselves without having to worry about what others think. They should not feel pressure to act, think, or feel a certain way that they do not agree with. Decide for yourself who you are and what you want to do. Recognize that stereotypes, expectations, and norms of society should not hinder you or others from doing things.

© 2023 by Kid Basis

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